Yuki Murata (Anoice) created music for a TV spot commercial of Biofermin that contains probiotics of lactic acid bacteria, together with Takahiro Kido (Anoice). This spot will be broadcasted on TV from 2017. |
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11月12日の21時に放送されるNHKスペシャル「自閉症の君が教えてくれたこと」のオープニング曲、挿入曲、及びエンディングテーマをRiLF(matryoshkaのヴォーカリストであるcaluと、AnoiceのTakahiro KidoとYuki Murataによるオルタナティブバンド)が担当しました。お見逃しなく。 RiLF (alternative band formed by Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata who are the members of Anoice and Calu, who is the vocalist of Matryoshka.) took charge of making music for a TV documentary show which will be broadcasted via NHK, Japan, at 9 p.m. on 12th November. |
We uploaded a new music video 'sympathizer' from Films' 3rd album 'signs from the past' to which was released on 3rd November. Enjoy the most destructive orchestral track in the album. 11月3日にリリースされたfilmsのサードアルバム「signs from the past」より、最終曲「sympathizer」のミュージックビデオが公開されました。アルバム収録曲中、最も壮大なオーケストラサウンドです。 |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) composed music and played the piano for a new spot commercial for Dynabook, a laptop produced by TOSHIBA. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also joined as the engineer. Check the lovely video like a music video, recorded in a abandoned factory. |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of the mixing works for the third album 'Pipe Dream' from Jet Plane, the Russian instrumental rock band. They released the second album 'Loud to Sleep' on Ricco Label in 2014, but this third album will be released from Fluttery Records in US on 10 November. Detail/詳細 : http://flutteryrecords.com/flttry120 |
Ricco Label uploaded 'kumoito' included in Films' third album 'signs from the past' which will be released on 3 November. You can find a beautiful tapestry made of Films' unconstrained high tone voices and the gentle warm voice of Calu who is the vocalist of Matryoshka. 11月3日リリースのfilmsのサードアルバム「signs from the past」より、収録曲「kumoito」をYouTubeに公開しました。filmsの伸びやかなハイトーンヴォイスとcaluの優しい歌との折り重なる声のタペストリーをお楽しみください。 |
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On 3 November, Ricco Label will release the third album 'signs from the past' from Films, one of Anoice's projects featuring two female vocalists who sing in their own originally created languages and the magnificent classical sound. All the tracks are masterpieces which have a beauty in no way inferior to that of Sigur Rós and Björk. You can also get a CD including Films' unreleased track and a remixed track created by KASHIWA Daisuke. Pre-orderable now! Detail/SoundCloud : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric035_english.html Pre-Order : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/store/us_cd.html
詳細/試聴 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric035_japanese.html |
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On 28th September, Takahiro Kido will release the original soundtrack album for 'Tsukiji Wonderland' that is a documentary movie directed by Naotaro Endo, produced by Shochiku Company Limited! Takahiro Kido took charge of composing all the music together with Yuki Murata, Anoice played all the tracks, and Takahiro Kido and KASHIWA Daisuke did the mixing/mastering works. This album including 20 tracks, will only be available as a digital download. Tsukiji Wonderland : http://tsukiji-wonderland.jp
Tsukiji Wonderland : http://tsukiji-wonderland.jp |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) took charge of composing music for a collaboration spot commercial produced by Toyota and Blue Bottle Coffee. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also joined as the arranger/mixing-engineer. And also, Utaka Fujiwara (Anoice) played a viola on the other version produced by Toyota and Lotte. |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of composing music for a spot commercial of Frecious, a manufacturer of water server. Enjoy the electronica music which expresses a water stream. |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) took charge of composing music for a spot commercial of Frecious, a manufacturer of water server. The vocalist of Films (one of our projects produced by Anoice) and Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also participated in the production work as the vocalist and the arranger/mixing-engineer. |
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Takahiro Kido (Anoice) has released the time-limited compilation album 'Selected Works' on 1613 Recordings in Sweden. This album includes 9 tracks which 1613 Recordings chose from each album between his first album 'a Short Happy Life' and his latest/fifth album 'The New World'. BandCamp : https://1631recordings.bandcamp.com/album/selected-works-3
BandCamp : https://1631recordings.bandcamp.com/album/selected-works-3 |
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Yuki Murata (Anoice) wrote music for spot commercial of Fuso, an all-embracing company who deals in various things with respect to the water. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also took charge of the arranger for strings and the mixing engineer. This promotional video is now on the air in Western Japan. Yuki Murata(Anoice)が株式会社フソウ(水に関する総合企業)のCM音楽を制作しました。Takahiro Kido(Anoice)もストリングスアレンジとエンジニアを担当。西日本でテレビ放送されます。 |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice, RiLF) took charge of music for promotional videos for movie directors produced by Ashikaga City where lies to the north from Tokyo. This city has been the locations of a lot of Japanese movies. Kenichi Kai (the support member of Anoice and RiLF) also joined as the co-composer. |
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Yuki Murata (Anoice, RiLF, films) took charge of the piano of the third album 'noth' of Ferri, a Japanese female vocalist. This album will be released on 3 August. Detail : http://ferri.jp
詳細 : http://ferri.jp |
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Japanese modern-classical composer, Tomoya Naka's second album 'Day's' featuring Yuki Murata (piano) and Utaka Fujiwara (viola) who are the members of Anoice, will be released on 24 August. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also took charge of the mixing works. Detail : http://www.introducingproductions.com
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Tadashi Yoshikawa (Anoice, mokyow) produced Line Stamps for all musicians, The Sheep Band. Available to download now. Tadashi Yoshikawa(Anoice, mokyow)がプロデュースするLINEスタンプ「ひつじのバンドマン」の販売がスタートしました。音楽活動をされている方に特におすすめです。 |
We uploaded Takahiro Kido's un-released electric track 'kalimba song' featuring a small kalimba, on YouTube. This tune is also available to download for free on SoundCloud. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7epxStDKQIE SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/takahiro-kido |
Seattle International Film Festival uploaded the trailer of Tsukiji Wonderland that is a documentary movie which Takahiro Kido took charge of music. The ticket is now available on the following website! YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo7DARJOhBc Seattle International Film Festival : http://www.siff.net/festival-2016/tsukiji-wonderland |
We uploaded a music video 'mikoto uta' that is the first single from Mizu Mane, a new project featuring Japanese languages formed by Films which is one of Anoice's projects. This single is now available on digital stores. |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice) created music for a commercial video of EDIFICE, one of wrist watches produced by Casio. This video also will be played at international exhibitions for watches all over the world. Check the lovely chamber music. |
Films, the Tokyo-based dark classical music unit featuring two females' vocals in their original languages, has started a new project, 'mizu amane’, featuring Japanese languages. This first single 'mikoto uta' which will be released on 20 May, is a fragile beautiful song that focuses on Japanese old languages. The harmony of Films' beautiful and fantastic voices with the gentle piano performed by Yuki Murata, who is a member of Anoice, intends to instil nostalgic images to all the listeners. Detail: http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric034_english.html
2016年5月20日、ダークファンタジーユニットfilmsによる、日本語に焦点を当てたサイドプロジェクトmizu amaneのファーストシングル「mikoto uta」リリース!filmsによる幻想的な歌声と、インストバンドAnoiceのメンバーであるYuki Murataによる優しいピアノの音によるハーモニーは、日本の美しい風景を思い起こすでしょう。filmsのセカンドアルバム「a forbidden garden」と同じく、プロデュースをAnoiceが手がけ、Takahiro Kidoがミキシング、KASHIWA Daisukeがマスタリングを担当。 詳細: http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric034_japanese.html |
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2016年8月31日〜9月4日に開催される、イギリスのエレクトロニカトリオHaiku Salutの日本ツアーの東京公演(9月4日)にてRiLFのライブ決定!AnoiceのTakahiro KidoとYuki Murataの2人と、エレクトロニカユニットmatryoshkaのヴォーカリストcaluによるコラボレーションを、どうぞお見逃しなく!詳細、及びチケットのご購入は下記サイトにて。 |
2016年8月31日〜9月4日に開催される、イギリスのエレクトロニカトリオHaiku Salutの日本ツアーの京都公演(9月2日)にてYuki Murata(Anoice)のソロコンサート決定!アコースティックピアノの美しいサウンドスケープを、どうぞお見逃しなく!詳細、及びチケットのご購入は下記サイトにて。 |
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The Japanese documentary movie 'Tsukiji Wonderland' which Takahiro Kido took charge of the soundtracks, has been nominated at Seattle International Film Festival (19 May-12 June) in US and San Sebastian International Film Festival (16-24 September) in Spain!! It will also be premiered at Seattle International Film Festival. Takahiro Kidoが音楽制作を担当したドキュメンタリー映画「Tsukiji Wonderland」がシアトル国際映画祭(アメリカ)とサン・セバスチャン国際映画祭(スペイン)にノミネートされました。日本での公開は10月15日です。 |
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The artworks of Sontag Shogun's first album 'Tale' which Takahiro Kido (Anoice) designed, are now downloadable for free on BandCamp! You can also purchase larger images for use on your PC wallpaper. 2月にリミックスアルバム「Tale Remixed」をリリースしたニューヨークのアンビエントピアノトリオSontag Shogunのデビューアルバム「Tale」のアートワークのダウンロード販売を開始しました。デザインはTakahiro Kido(Anoice)が担当。 BandCamp : https://riccolabel.bandcamp.com/album/tale |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) took charge of composing music for two versions of commercial spots of Heinz's new pasta sauces. Now, the video trailer is up on YouTube! Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also participated as the recording/mixing engineer. ハインツのパスタソースのCM(2種類)の楽曲制作をYuki Murata(Anoice)が担当しました。レコーディングエンジニアはTakahiro Kido(Anoice)が担当。現在、予告編がご覧になれます。 |
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Anoice joined Matryoshka's new remixed album 'pseudepigrapha' for their second album 'Laideronnette', which will be released on 11 June. Also, Ulrich Schnauss, world's end girlfriend, Aoki Yutaka (downy), mergrim, arai tasuku, Go-qualia, moshimoss, are joinning as the remixers. Detail : http://www.virgin-babylon-records.com/unsupermarket/music_053.html
詳細 : http://www.virgin-babylon-records.com/unsupermarket/music_053.html |
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Yuki Murata (Anoice) played pianos in KASHIWA Daisuke's new album 'program music Ⅱ' which will be released on 23 April. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also participated in the album as the recording engineer for the piano at Ricco Label Studio. Also, Jimanica (drums), Hiroki Chiba (bass), Taizan Aotsuki (cello), Maiko Isobe (violin), piana (chorus) joined as the instruments players. Detail : http://www.virgin-babylon-records.com/unsupermarket/music_048.html
詳細 : http://www.virgin-babylon-records.com/unsupermarket/music_048.html |
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Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata (who are the members of Anoice) will hold some shows in Moscow and Saint Petersburg this weekend. We'll play not only each solo tunes but also some chamber tunes from Anoice and Films. Andrew Jasinski, a Russian music composer who has released a piano album on our Ricco Label, will also join in the Moscow show. The show tickets are now available: в Петербурге, Апрель 8 |
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The documentary movie 'TSUKIJI WONDERLAND' which Takahiro Kido took charge of music will be released on 15 October in Japan. This movie will be shown at some film festivals in the world. Yuki Murata also joined as the co-composer, and Anoice performed all the tracks. Detail : http://tsukiji-wonderland.jp Takahiro Kido(Anoice)が音楽制作を担当した松竹映画「TSUKIJI WONDERLAND」の公開日が10月15日に決定しました。同じくAnoiceのYuki Murataもサポートコンポーザーで参加。演奏は全曲Anoiceが担当しました。お楽しみに。 |
Takahiro Kido took charge of making music featuring Calu, the vocalist of Matryoshka and RiLF, for a commercial film of Hulic, a real estate company that specializes in real estate leasing and the investment business in Tokyo metropolitan area. You can also hear many toy instruments! Takahiro Kidoがヒューリック(不動産会社)のCM楽曲制作を担当しました。matryoshkaとRiLFのヴォーカリストcaluも参加。たくさんのトイ楽器の音色も楽しむ事もできます。 |
Yuki Murata took in charge of arranging music and playing piano for a commercial spot of the new digital piano 'CELVIANO' of Casio. She also appeared a little in this video!! Takahiro Kido also joined as the recording engineer. Yuki Murataが楽曲のアレンジと演奏を担当したCasioの新しい電子ピアノ「CELVIANO」のCMが公開されました。少しだけ出演もしています。Takahiro Kidoもレコーディングエンジニアで参加。 |
Takahiro Kido took charge of music for a commercial spot of CITIZEN again! Enjoy the piano and strings section. Takahiro Kido(Anoice, RiLF, films, etc.)が昨年に引き続き、シチズンのCM楽曲制作を担当しました。ピアノと弦楽器によるシンプルでミニマルな室内楽曲です。 |
Anoice and Takahiro Kido joined music production for 'Nowhereland' movie about an underage prostitution directed by Robin Bain. Now, the movie trailer is up on YouTube. This film will be released on this autumn! AnoiceとTakahiro Kidoが、少女売春をテーマにしたRobin Bain監督の映画「Nowhereland」のサウンドトラックを担当しました。現在、YouTubeにて告知映像がご覧になれます。公開は今年の秋を予定。 |
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We released Takahiro Kido's new album 'The New World' to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his debut. You will receive a limited single 'music for good sleep' and a postcard illustrated by Emmeline Pidgen in UK, if you order the CD on Ricco Label web-store. Have a good sleep!! Web-Store : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/store/us_cd.html
ウェブストア : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/store/japan_cd.html |
Takahiro Kido took charge of music for a commercial spot of Ferring Pharmaceuticals, a multinational pharmaceutical company that specializes in the development and marketing of drugs for use in human medicine. You can also hear Yuki Murata's lovely piano! Takahiro Kidoがフェリング・ファーマのCM楽曲制作を担当しました。ピアノと共同作曲者でYuki Murata(Anoice, RiLF, film)も参加。 |
Takahiro Kido took charge of music for 3 commercial spots of MILBON, a specialist manufacturer for hair cosmetics in a beauty parlors, together with Kenichi Kai who is the support manipurator of Anoice. This is the 15 seconds version. |
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Anoice created again a theme tune for Photo Revolution, an event intended at beauticians in East/West-south Asia countries, produced by Milbon, a specialist manufacturer for hair cosmetics in a beauty parlors. You can now download it for free! |
Takahiro Kido uploaded his new tune 'Seven Days in Zermatt' from his upcoming solo album 'The New World' which will be released on 18th March! Enjoy the lovely piano and strings section! |
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The limited EP on Ricco Label webstore! Takahiro Kido will release his new EP 'Inside-Out Tokyo' on the same day as his upcoming new album 'The New World’!! In contrast to the chamber music made with a piano and strings section in 'The New World' album, this EP is formed by catchy electronica sound with electric rhythm for the most part. This album will be optimal for not only fans of Takahiro Kido but also all who will hear electronica music for the first time. Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric033_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric033_japanese.html |
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Is this the soundtrack for the next Studio Ghibli film? On 18th March, 2016, Takahiro Kido, member of Anoice and other projects (RiLF, films, mokyow, cru), will release his new album 'The New World' to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his debut!! This album is formed by simple neo-classical music with a piano and strings section, where his talent for composing music is realised by perfect performances from great music instrumentalists including Yuki Murata from Anoice. The lovely sound and melodies, will echo through the minds of many music fans in the world!! Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric032_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric032_japanese.html |
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On 4th March, 2016, we'll release 'Tale Remixed' that is the remixed album for the debut album released in 2014 from Sontag Shogun, an combination of analog and digital electronics + piano project based in Brooklyn, New York! Anoice and Takahiro Kido joined as the remixers together with Indian Wells, Jake Chudnow, Perdurabo, Hakobune, Radicalfashion, Schneider TM, and more artists, who all are active at the forefront of the electronica/ambient music scene. Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric030_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric030_japanese.html |
Anoice provided 'Short Film' that is a simple chamber music included in the second album 'Out of Season', for a short beautiful film 'UNE FEMME' directed by Rinko Tsukamoto. |
Takahiro Kido uploaded a new track 'Fountain' made with Kenichi Kai (a support manipurator of Anoice / the member of Mokyow) on his SoundCloud page. This tune will be included in his upcoming new album 'The New World' which will be released on March 18, 2016. SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/takahiro-kido/fountain |
Anoice and Takahiro Kido provided two of their tunes for an art/ethnographic film about Barsebäck directed by Jinyi Wang in Stockholm University. Please see the following website for the details. http://www.socant.su.se/english/about-us/news/a-personal-take-on-barsebäck-nuclear-plant-1.264271 |
The short film made with collaboration of Takahiro Kido's tune '2nd Season' included in his 'Fairy Tale' album and London-based mime-like making-up artist, produced by Landscape HD in UK, is now up on Vimeo. Enjoy!! Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/122368664 |