Anoice |
Anoice is a Tokyo based cinematic instrumental music group formed by multi instrumentalists; Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, Utaka Fujiwara, and Tadashi Yoshikawa. When they established the band, Yuki Murata came up with the name Anoise pronounced 'a noyce' to mean 'one noise'. However, they found that name had already been used by other artist via the internet, so they changed the spelling to Anoice.
Their debut album 'Remmings' was released on Important Records, Boston in 2006 and their talent was admired by internationally acclaimed musicians Ryuichi Sakamoto, Nobuo Uematsu, and Christian Fennesz. Anoice then released their highly-praised 3rd album, 'The Black Rain' worldwide in 2012, via their own music label, Ricco Label, Important Records in US and Flowers Blossom In The Space in Russia. This album was selected as one of the top albums of the year by many music review websites. The hip-hop artist, MiyaGi used one of the album's tracks, 'ripple', as the the backing track for his song, and the music video has received 40 million views on YouTube.
In 2015, Anoice released the 4th album 'into the shadows' recorded in not only Tokyo, but also London, Paris, Warsaw, and Moscow. One of the album tracks 'old lighthouse' became the #1 trending track on Spotify as Japanese artists, and 'invasion’ was used as the credit roll tune of 'Girl Lost', a US movie which was the #1 trending movie on Amazon Prime Video. Two years later, Anoice released a compilation album 'selected works' featuring their ambient tracks on 1631 Recordings in Sweden and started to distribute it via Universal Music, Anoice and the members of Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata then hold European and Asian tours every year.
In 2019, Anoice released three consecutive weekly singles in May, and then released their 5th album, 'Ghost in the Clocks', made from lovely melodies and magnificent orchestral sounds in August, which Anoice wrote to express the world that followed their 3rd album, 'The Black Rain'. This album and each song within the album became the #1 and top 10 most streamed/downloaded instrumental music on Apple Music and iTunes Store in over 20 countries. In addition, Anoice recorded some songs from Anoice and the members' solo projects; Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata, with 20-piece orchestra in Moscow and some of the recorded songs were included in a concert exclusive compilation album.
In 2020, because of the effects of the coronavirus, Anoice decided to cancel all upcoming tours but soon after, they released their 4th EP 'invisible wall' writing with emotions which can only be expressed in a time like this. This EP consists of mainly quiet and dark neo-classical songs such as 'inner voice' featuring the song 'Films’ with two vocalists who sing in their own originally created languages in a side project under the same name, and 'the fear' which features Calu, the vocalist of the electronica unit, Matryoshka. In 2021, Anoice released their 6th album 'The Hidden Forest' after the longest ever production period in their history. This album took inspiration from 17 paintings of the forest painted by Naoko Okada, and includes 17 songs with the same title as each of the paintings, with a total length of 72 minutes. This was released not only on normal jewel case, but also number-limited A4-sized box version which included 17 separate extraordinary-printed paintings.
After they released the fifth EP 'unerasable fire', which pairs with 'invisible wall', in 2023. The band have finally completed their 7th album 'Stories in White' in 2024. This album is the final chapter of the trilogy about the modern history of humans, which follows up the Anoice's third album 'The Black Rain' and fifth album 'Ghost in the Clocks'. It could be said that Anoice's culmination of their entire career built by the beautiful soundscape of the magnificent orchestra-like sound and destructive noise.
The members of Anoice are also involved in various side projects such as; RiLF (an alternative-rock band formed by the members of Anoice and Calu, who is the vocalist of Matryoshka), Films (a dark classical music unit, featuring members of Anoice and two international female vocalists who sing in their own, originally created, languages), Mizu Amane (Films' side project featuring Japanese archaic languages which are no longer spoken), Mokyow (an instrumental rock band formed by Takahiro Kido and Tadashi Yoshikawa, and keyboardist Kenichi Kai), Cru (a neo-classical music unit formed by Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata), and Tokyo Ambient Collective (an ambient music project established by Tokyo-based international artists) as well as other secret projects. Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata also write and release work as solo artists. Collectively, Anoice and the side projects have released studio albums, EPs, singles, and soundtrack albums through various music labels such as Ricco Label, Important Records, 1631 Recordings, PLOP, noble label, and Shochiku Records. Those tracks have often been played on BBC in UK and National Geographic in US.
In addition, Anoice and their members have taken charge of composing music for many commercial adverts such as Armani, Louis Vuitton, Google, YAMAHA, TOYOTA, Mazda Motor Corporation, Johnnie Walker, Ballantine's, JAXA, Heintz, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, and etc. Also, they created the soundtracks of some movies such as ’Tsukiji Wonderland' directed by Naotaro Endo, 'Olivier Zahm: Digital Provocateur’ directed by Can Evgin, and 'Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story' directed by Robin Bain, and some TV programs produced by NHK, WOWOW, and TV TOKYO. Some film works awarded at Venice Film Festival, Prix Italia, National Arts Festival in japan, and Cool Japan Matching Award, Japan Movie Critics Award, and Japan World's Tourism Film Festival. Also, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata who are the composers of Anoice, received the Best Original Score Prize at Sapporo International Short Film Festival. In addition, the pianist of Anoice, Yuki Murata has been awarded top prizes in various piano competitions such as the PTNA Piano Competition and International Piano Duo Competition.
Anoice also joined restoration assistance following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Hurricane Sandy, and have contributed to the cause via various charity albums.
Anoice |
東京を拠点に活動するマルチインストゥルメンタリスト、木戸崇博: Takahiro Kido, 村田有希: Yuki Murata, 藤原歌花: Utaka Fujiwara, 吉川忠志: Tadashi Yoshikawaによる、ダークでシネマチックな音楽を制作するインストゥルメンタルミュージックバンド。バンド名であるAnoice(アノイスと発音)はYuki Murataによって命名され「ひとつのノイズ」という意味を持つ。
2006年、ボストンのImportant Recordsよりファーストアルバム「Remmings」でデビューして以来、ソニックユース、坂本龍一、植松伸夫、クリスチャン・フェネスなど、世界中のアーティストから高い評価を得る。2012年には、壮大なオーケストレーションと鮮烈なノイズによる破壊的なまでに美しいサウンドスケープで構築されたサードアルバム「The Black Rain」を自身が設立した音楽制作事務所であるRicco Labelに加え、Important Records(アメリカ)とFlowers Blossom In The Space(ロシア)より全世界リリース。世界中の音楽メディアの年間ベストアルバムスに選出される。また、収録曲「ripple」をサンプリングしたヒップホップアーティストMiyaGiの楽曲は、YouTube再生数が4,000万回を超えた。
2015年にはロンドン、パリ、ワルシャワ、モスクワなど、世界を股に制作された4枚目のアルバム「into the shadows」をリリース。収録曲「old lighthouse」のSpotify再生数が当時、日本人アーティストとしてトップとなる100万回を記録。同じく、収録曲である「invasion」をエンドロールに使用したRobin Bain監督映画「Girl Lost」はAmazon Prime(アメリカ)の月間視聴チャートで1位を記録した。2017年には、アンビエントなトラックをまとめたコンピレーションアルバム「selected works」を1631 Recordings(スウェーデン)とユニバーサルミュージックを通じてリリースし、以降、Anoice、及びAnoiceのメンバーであるTakahiro KidoとYuki Murataは、毎年、ヨーロッパとアジアを中心にライブツアーも行っている。
2019年5月にはシングルを3週連続でリリースし、8月には5枚目のアルバム「Ghost in the Clocks」をリリース。サードアルバム「The Black Rain」のその後を描いた、壮大な世界観と美しく情熱的なサウンドに仕上がっており、アメリカの音楽レビューサイトThe Silent BalletやA Closer Listenによる「2019年トップ10アルバム」に選出され、20ヶ国以上のApple Music/iTunes Storeインストゥルメンタルミュージック部門でストリーミング数、及びダウンロード数で1位、またはトップ10を記録した。また、モスクワにて総20人のオーケストラとともに、Anoice、及びAnoiceのメンバーのソロプロジェクトであるTakahiro KidoとYuki Murataの楽曲をレコーディング。一部の楽曲はコンサート会場限定でリリースされた。
2020年、新型コロナウイルスの世界的な感染拡大の影響により全てのライブツアーの中止を決定した直後に4thミニアルバム「invisible wall」をリリース。AnoiceのサイドプロジェクトであるダークファンタジーミュージックユニットFilmsで独自の言語を使用する同名ヴォーカリストFilmsとエレクトロニカユニットMatryoshkaのヴォーカリストであるCaluが参加した、静かでダークな楽曲を中心に構成した「今しか表現できない」作品に仕上がっている。2021年には過去最長の制作期間を経て制作された6thアルバム「The Hidden Forest」をリリース。画家、岡田尚子の描く17枚の森の絵からインスピレーションを得て制作され、その17枚の各絵と同じタイトルを付けられた17曲、計72分にも及ぶ楽曲を収録しており、そのアルバムは通常版ジュエルケースCDに加え、17枚の絵をA4サイズの特注ボックスに収納した数量限定版としてもリリースされた。
2023年、4thミニアルバム「invisible wall」と完全に対をなすEP「unerasable fire」をリリースした後、2024年には7thアルバム「Stories in White」をリリース。3rdアルバム「The Black Rain」と5thアルバム「Ghost in the Clocks」に続く、人類の近代史を描いた3部作の最終章であり、壮大なオーケストレーションと鮮烈なノイズによる破壊的なまでに美しいサウンドスケープで構築された、Anoiceの集大成とも言える作品に仕上がっている。
また、AnoiceはメンバーであるTakahiro KidoとYuki Murataのソロプロジェクトに加え、RiLF(AnoiceとMatryoshkaのヴォーカリストCaluによるオルタナティブロックバンド), Films(Anoiceと2人の女性ヴォーカリストによるダークファンタジーミュージックプロジェクト), Mizu Amane(Filmsによる日本語の古語を特徴としたサイドプロジェクト), Mokyow(Takahiro KidoとTadashi YoshikawaにキーボーディストKenichi Kaiが加わったインストロックバンド), Cru(Takahiro KidoとYuki Murataによるエクスペリメンタルクラシカルユニット), Tokyo Ambient Collective(Takahiro KidoとYuki Murataも参加する即興演奏アンビエントミュージックプロジェクト)などの多くのサイドプロジェクトやシークレットプロジェクトを持ち、それぞれの作品をRicco Label, Important Records, 1631 Recordings, PLOP, Noble Label, SHOCHIKU RECORDSなどのレーベルからリリース。その作品はBBC(イギリス)やナショナルジオグラフィック(アメリカ)などでも頻繁に使用され、Takahiro Kidoのソロアルバム「Fleursy Music」はドイツのエレクトロチャートにて8位を記録。Yuki Murataの各ソロアルバムも20ヶ国以上のApple Music/iTunes Storeインストゥルメンタルミュージック部門でストリーミング数、及びダウンロード数で1位、またはトップ10を記録している。
加えて、Anoice、及び各メンバーは、Armani, Louis Vuitton, Google, YAMAHA, TOYOTA, MAZDA, Johnnie Walker, Ballantine's, DAIKIN, Heintz, Ferring Pharmaceuticalsなど、国内外の様々な企業のCMや厚生労働省、農林水産省、宇宙航空研究開発機構などの政府機関のプロジェクトの音楽制作を担当。また、遠藤尚太郎監督「Tusikiji Wonderland」やCan Evgin監督「Olivier Zahm : Digital Provacateur」やRobin Bain監督「Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story」などの映画、及びNHK「自閉症の君が教えてくれたこと」やDorothée Lorang/David Beautru監督「Hikikomori: A Deafening Silence」や御法川修監督「ダブル・ファンタジー」などのテレビ番組の音楽を手がけ、ヴェネチア国際映画祭短編映画、イタリア賞、文化庁芸術祭、クールジャパンマッチングフォーラム、日本映画批評家大賞、Japan World's Tourism Film Festivalなど、国内外で受賞。Anoiceが擁する2人の作曲家であるTakahiro KidoとYuki Murata自身も札幌国際映画祭にて最優秀作曲家賞を受賞。Yuki Murataはピアニストとしても、ピティナグランミューズや国際ピアノデュオコンクールなどの多くのクラシックピアノコンクールにて優勝、受賞している。
Members and Links |
Takahiro Kido | Guitar, Bass, Piano, Synthesizer, Organ, Cello, Harp, Melodion, Accordion, Glockenspiel | |
Yuki Murata | Piano, Rhodes Piano, Celesta, Synthesizer, Organ, Cello, Flute, Glockenspiel, Harmonic Pipe | |
Utaka Fujiwara | Violin, Viola, Synthesizer, Wurittir Piano, Music Box | |
Tadashi Yoshikawa | Drums, Percussion, Glockenspiel, Theremin, Turn Table, Harmonic Pipe |
official website | | | | || | || | ||
Spotify | | | |
Photo |
Spotify |
Client Works |
Our past works are as the discography page, but we usually compose music for various types of video works such as commercial adverts, films, TV dramas, events, and research materials of educational institutions. We particularly excel in documentaries and human dramas which value atmosphere and worldview. We compose and release at least 50 pieces every year.
Regarding the characteristics of our music, we are flexible to compose music that ranges from dark classical music formed by piano and strings to gentle instrumental music with guitar and organ, creating a warmer sound by using acoustic instruments. Beyond this, we also compose electronic music by synthesiser and sampler and popular music featuring vocals, where needed.
Firstly, please have a look at the following past client works. Here you can preview some sample tracks, edited to about 15 seconds-1 minute, on our SoundCloud link. You can also see some videos featuring our music on YouTube/Vimeo links to demonstrate our skills in creating the audio to your visual works.
Commercials | Armani, Louis Vuitton, Rag & Bone, Google, NTT, JT, Panasonic, TRIUMPH, Sapporo Breweries, DAIKIN, TOYOTA, NEC, ANA | |
Sunstar, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Ueda Harlow, Ford Motor, Yokohama F-Marinos, MILBON, Leaseonline | ||
AcadeMedia, Hulic, LIXIL, Casio, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, FUSO, Heintz, UNIQLO, Blue Bottle Coffee, Lotte, Frecious, CITIZEN | ||
TOSHIBA, Biofermin, The Japan Dietetic Association, NETZ, TORAY, TOTO, 105 BANK, airweave, ACE, MOS BURGER, SKⅡ |
FUNAI, YAMAHA, Suntory, Kao, FUJITSU, BANDAI NAMCO, Chugai Pharmaceutical, ASICS, Otsuka Pharmaceutica, AJINOMOTO |
Kanebo, JAXA, Johnnie Walker, Yotsuba Milk Products, POLA, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan, Ballantine's |
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan, Hisosaki City, Mazda Motor Corporation, etc. |
Movie, TV Drama, etc. | Tsukiji Wonderland, directed by Naotaro Endo/Shochiku | |
Black Rain Hibakusha – Out of the Shadow, directed by Thomas Damm | ||
Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story, directed by Robin Bain | ||
Girls in Film, directed by Robin Bain | ||
Honokaa-Boy, directed by Atsushi Sanada/Toho Eiga | ||
Ghost Dolls, directed by Tomoki Nishikata/Toho | ||
Reduction In Force, directed by Joey Fingers | ||
Olivier Zahm: Digital Provacateur, directed by Can Evgin | ||
Penrose, directed by Patryk Seni Senwicki and Dominic Spitaler | ||
HOTEL -NEXT DOOR-, directed by Osamu Minorikawa, produced by WOWOW | ||
Double Fantasy, directed by Osamu Minorikawa, produced by WOWOW | ||
Li.Li.Ta.Al, directed by Akihito Izuhara, Studio Mangosteen | ||
The World Is Still Beautiful, produced by Hakusensha | ||
Redwood National and State Parks, directed by Steven Poe | ||
Weekend, directed by Robin Mason | ||
Hikikomori: A deafening silence, directed by Dorothée Lorang and David Beautru | ||
Krageneidechse, directed by Sayaka Maruyama/NEON O'CLOCK WORKS | ||
The things you let me know about my son, produced by Japan Broadcasting Corporation | ||
The things you with an autism let me know, produced by Japan Broadcasting Corporation | ||
Detective Conan, produced by Nippon Television Network Corporation | ||
The Good News, directed by Minji Kim | ||
Bek Millhouse, directed by John Garcia | ||
Growing a Community, produced by the Anthropological Studies Center at Sonoma State University in California | ||
Strychnine Hill, directed by Cyril Payen and Dug Moore | ||
Black Sun, directed by Jesper Friis | ||
My Husband Is Sleeping in the Freezer, directed by Osamu Minorikawa, produced by TV TOKYO | ||
Don't Stop my Beautification, directed by Izuru Kumasaka, Ikuko Sawada, Kozue Sasaki, and Yuya Nakaizumi, produced by TV TOKYO | ||
etc. |
Event | Armani / Milan fashion week | |
SYN Group / Moscow International Biennale for Young Art | ||
Czech Republic Janáček theater / Ballet Tanzbrücke 2011 | ||
MILBON「next beauty」 | ||
Thomas Damm / Black Rain Hibakusha - Out of the Shadow | ||
Isetan department store / NIPPON VISION | ||
Classical music event / La Folle Journée au JAPON | ||
etc. |
Below, you can see a selection of our commercial advert videos and trailer videos of films and TV dramas in which we took charge in the soundtracks and some of our music videos, which we created as artists. All tunes are composed by Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata who are the members of Anoice.
YouTube |
Commercials |
Armani | Rag & Bone | DAIKIN |
Yokohama F・Marinos | Ballantine’s | Mazda | Yotsuba Milk Products |
TOTO | TOTO | TOTO | Johnnie Walker |
airweave | Hirosaki City | CITIZEN | CITIZEN |
The Japan Dietetic Association | Kinoshita Group | Yamano Music | Takarajima Kindergarten |
Bek Millhouse | Noemi Klei | 105 BANK | Rakuten Travel |
NETZ | SAKURAO | Leaseonline | Hirosaki City |
Movie, TV Drama, etc. |
Olivier Zahm: Digital Provacateur | Reduction In Force | Black Rain Hibakusha | Hikikomori: A deafening silence |
BLACK SUN | Girl Lost | Redwood National and State Parks | We Are Malaysia: Mixed Marriage |
Sonoma State University in California | Li.Li.Ta.Al. | I Eat the Tears | Fitting In |
Music Video |
Anoice: memories of you | ripple | autumn waltz | kill lies all |
Takahiro Kido: Oranges & Lemons | Takahiro Kido: Sakura | Yuki Murata: red owl | Yuki Murata: bird sings a lullaby |
RiLF: Soraninaru | bubbles | clone | lost field |
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. | |